We, at the Divine anchoring initiative present before you a simple house holder Sahaj Yogi Sri Rajesh Raman, almost hidden from the glitter of the world. He has devoted his thirty years of life in the field of meditation and truth. In his long and arduous journey unto The Self he has been meditating on the lives of Osho, Maharshi Raman, Sri Ramkrishna Param Hamsa (Guru of Swami Vivekananda), Maha Yogi Shyma Charan Lahiri (Param Guru of Swami Yogananda writer of ‘The Autobiography of A Yogi’), J. Krishnamurti, Swami Vivekananda, Lord Kabir, Saint Malook, Jesus, Lord Krishna, Baba Mastram (Rishikesh) and a lot of other great souls.
Born in 1954, he was given direct initiation by Swami Satchidananda alias Bangali Baba (A highly realiazed saint in the tradition of Sri Ramkrishna Param Hamsa) of Ayodhya (The birth place of Ram) in 1984, then after going all the experience of the divine with form, his efforts towards the Self moved towards the formless Divine, then he was initiated into the art of Meditation by Swami Yogiraj Nanak, who heads the Malook Das Panth. In his course of research. He also had contact with the aura of Sri Aurobindo and the Unknown.
In the spiritual writings of the above masters and after meditating on their life, he has some very useful spiritual hints which are being narrated in the down lines and withal Sri Ramanji connects his own experience, which will show on what evolutionary level his mind body and soul stands today.
Mahayogi Shymacharan Lahiri has said in his biography that by only meditation on the 3rd Eye (The Intuition Eye), a seeker can arise and awake the Kutastha Chaitanya the seat of central consciousness, that is, 3rd Eye.
The whole of mankind is passing through the greatest spiritual crisis. And all the deeper complications are arising out of the man’s mind.
The preamble to the United Nations Charter sums up the existential dilemma of today, “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that defenses of peace must be constructed.
So we see that we have only one trouble spot, that is human mind. What is mind ? mind is nothing but a large bundle of thoughts (Maharishi Raman) collected through many millions of births and deaths and deposited in the sub conscious and sub-liminal layers of mind. It is this reservoir of good and bad thought structures in the shape of Karmic Bonds which compels one to act in the numerous births and deaths. Those unfulfilled desires cause to take endless modes of birth and deaths – leaving almost no way for the liberation (Mukti) of soul.
Lard Kabir has said :
Though people are seemingly dying every where, but in fact no body is dying. In fact one should strive to attain a real death (living while dead) after getting which no further mortal death and birth occurs . Again Kabir says that one who dies at the Ram Dwar (The AJana Charkra), only he really dies a eternal death, which is salvation and ever lasting celestial life also in the lap of all embracing God, attaining which a seeker never return but remains in the eternal lap of God.
In fact all the mystical saints like Ram Krishna, Kabir Malook and latest spiritual researcher have laid emphasis on the sacred importance of death of mind (Mrityo – Manas-Mind) which is also called in the modern spiritual terminology – No mind stage)- which actually occurs at the awakening of Ajana – Chakra – which in other words is no-mind-stage. This is a stage where all cessation of mental activities takes place and a seeker has a real glimpse of Divine or Self.
In fact the first real leap towards the divine occurs only when a seeker goes into deep meditation and reaches no-mind stage or onkar stage.
Acceding to Swami Sivananda (Divine –life-society-Risikeesh) meditation is a cauldron of all the sanskaras (mental Habits) which are burnt in the process and then the real soul shines forth and the seeker becomes realized, humble and liberated
Mahayogi Lahiri Mahasaya has said in his auto-biography that when after the awakening this 3rd Eye is awakened, this very stage is called Ram, Krishna, Jesus, Ganesh, Omkar, Sunya, Self, Selfhood Reached Stage.
In every human being there is a atom of God at this centre and when one goes into the meditation process, that atom goes into the process of crystallization. And when this process is over-one becomes God like/immortal/self realized/messenger/ansa – avatar. By doing simple meditation you can make your mind strong and developed-keep away automaticallyfrom undivine and evil spiritual forces.
When a seeker is really fired into the process of meditation, he is automatically drawn towards good-deeds and he does not incline towards wrong deeds.
Terrorism can only end when number of people who go into deep meditation will increase and unite and make a like minded plateform.
In fact every human individual is a potential God. But that God-within is sleeping in every man and woman. Now time has come to know Him within yourself. But for that stage to get into, you need a divine vibration from ignited lamp or enlightened soul or Selfhood Reached Stage.
Only be Aware of Him in between your Eye Brows, rest leave upon Him to handle – Rajesh Raman.
The Mother Earth is a giant laboratory for all the organism starting right from protozoa……………….to man-and then man slowly ascends towards Selfhood. It is the ultimate aim or goal of every man/woman to realize or become God-like and be a free-soul-to go to be able to vibrate and move in the entire universe. Remember- journey towards self hood is a reverse journey. You have to move to your original source-that is God.
God-like-stage of Ram Krishna, Christ is sleeping behind the Eye-Brows. Only you have to Knock the Door and it shall be opened and then they Eye will be single and full of Light.
Every human is destined to reach this stage. If you do not act in this life, then you may have to act in His way (Through Yoga-spl, Dhyna-Yoga-that is – meditation) in your next life. Then why not act in this life and stop the non sense process of number less births and deaths, every time creating new houses new wife children-relations.
How to know that you are really a God or Truth thirsty-seeker. It is very simple. When you feel that you posses everything physical in life but even then you find. Some thing Amiss in your mind body soul system and that you had. Something in your heart of heart and that something seems lost. This feeling of having something lost is the sure sign of your being truly God or truth thirsty.
In the last sixty years, there has been a lot of scientific spiritual research. In 2000, it so happened that Sri Rajesh Raman’s Kirlian photograph was taken. Among all the Yogic or religious books of the world it is proved beyond doubt that there are seven chakras (Seven energy centers to which modern para psychology refers as seven para- psychological knots) Mooladhar, Swadhistan, Manipur, Anahata, Visudha, Ajana and finally Sahastrar (The crown charka)
Sri Rajesh Raman’s Kirlian photograph clearly shows that his Intuition Eye is awakened since 1984 the year in which the final cosmic showering came unto the Earth atmosphere.
India’s leading spiritual magazine Akhand Jyoti (Sep. 2001-P-37) has clearly written that whose 3rd Eye is awakened-only that seeker of truth is spiritually able to give initiation to new seeker. 3rd Eye center is beyond time and space. Though thousands of high realized souls have come on the earth and left God’s Immanent energy in the earth atmosphere but those who are interested in giving liberating touch are very rare. Among top of them who came to bless Sri Ramanji are Sri Ram Krishna Parmahansa, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya, Maharshi Raman, Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Aurobindo, J, Krishnamurti, Osho Deepak chopra, Baba Mastram (Rishi Kesh-1986-near Laxman Jhula). Baba Ram Mangal Das (Gokul Bhawan-Ayodhya-India). Bengali Baba Yogi Raj Nanak-St. Malook Panth. Some of the above saints came in visions and some in physical contact.
In fact all the greatest souls in some or other forms are near to earth atmosphere at the present. They are looking forward to the real seekers. So dive deep within yourself and find them nearest to you. They are just behind you and within you. If you care, take the ignition from Sri Rajesh Raman or any body you think to be able to give you right kind of spiritual initiation. The only qualification to get initiation from Ramanji is that you must have a continuous Aspiring divine desire, only in that case God’s divine pouring on you will bestow.
Yogiraj Nanak, Raman’s last mentor has said –
Mind your mind and watch Him
from behind. Mind when watched
would no
longer bind. When
self is the viewer and mind
the seene, even the
would become clean. Then go
beyond the mind and see what
Man-without Ego is God-like
God with Ego is man.
Sri Ramanji is of the view that after Jesu & Buddha -the 3rd Eye center’s powers have been turned into Love and compassion centre- and in that line Lord Kabir, Nanak, Malook and a lot of Bhakti-saints-stand today to help mankind in a positive way. Nothing negative can be expected from such people or their disciples.
The Divine Anchoring initiative offers. Any seeker or aspirant has to fill in or desire for, the following information’s on the prescribed format the kinds of spiritual services, which can be desired from the center are the following-
- Initiation vibration for self realization. Code -1
- Aura protection for Divine life insurance. Code 2
- For Liberation Moksha, Nirwana, Mukti. Code 3.
- Relief from any kind of sub-conscious fears. Code 4
- How to end sorrow of spiritual origin, any kind of deep dissatisfaction. code 5
- Namdan. (The Word)This will be given according to one’s religion or deity. Code 6
- Personality development including positive attitude. Code7
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